Thursday, May 28, 2015

Film Blog #3

     The movie "To Kill A Mockingbird" was a movie that I remembering seeing little of when I was younger, about 12. I remember my friend had to read the book when she was in tenth grade, but instead bought the movie so we watched it together. As soon as I saw that it was in black and white I was turned off, but still tried watching it. As I continued watching the movie, it just didn't keep my attention.
     This time when the movie was on it actually kept my attention because I could understand it better. Back in the time that the movie took place it was a lot different, culturally. There was a lot more racism as well as gender inequality. I actually understand these topics now, but when I was younger I really didn't know much or think about them. I feel that this is the reason that I was not interested in the movie when I was 12 because these topics are brought about in "To Kill A Mocking Bird." 
    This movie breaks the racism and gender barrier that many people back then didn't believe in. The black man was actually protected and the white women ended up being the liar. This was a revolutionary kind of thing that happened and that's why this movie is so popular and widespread. It brings up important topics and morals.
    This movie had a great story line and I'm glad I got the chance to watch a classic that most people know about. If this movie wasn't to be played in class I probably wouldn't have ever watched it because of my prior experience with it, but I'm glad I did see it and actually understood and was interested in it. 

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Film Blog #2

     I really love watching the movie "Precious". These types of movies are always very interesting to me and keep my attention. I like movies that resemble real life struggles and have a real life story line. It was crazy seeing Precious go through life with her abusive mother, I was shocked as to how horrible her mother treated her, and how her life just kept getting worse and worse.
     I could only imagine having her life, I don't know how she managed to wake up every morning. She's very strong, especially for her age.
    Overall this movie is really interesting and it was shocking to see a girl around my age going through so much and handling life pretty much on her own. I never heard of anyone who had to go through life like Precious and I hope I never do, but she is probably the strongest person.
    It was great to finally see Precious smile at the end, and it made me happy that she was happy. Even with her circumstances she finally accepted her life. I feel like you have be very mature to realize how Precious changed from beginning to end and how she grew. Her story was powerful and I believe she was very powerful and grew stronger and stronger as the movie progressed.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Blog #13

      It was really cool seeing Anthony's film. Seeing advanced work from students in our school always amazes me. It's great to know how much dedication and time was spent putting this type of work together.
     Last year I was in film class and we had to write scripts and put short films together, but it was nothing compared to actually producing a big film. I thought what I did last year was difficult, so I can only imagine how much hard work he put into his film "Rebel".
     I was not able to see the entire film because I was at Ms. Senner's office, but from what I did see it was put together really well. The scene cuts were all flowing and didn't look weird or out of place. Also, the effects were really cool. I thought that was very creative and added a nice touch for the scene. Overall you could tell a lot of hard work was put into the film and it was great.